Does Everyone Have An Eye On London?

150 150 Gareth Clark

We are drawing to the end of July, to the end of a busy build up, to the start of something special… yes it’s nearly time to board the train, don the kit and stride boldly into the arena to show exactly what we can do against tough international opposition… against the best there is. Competition will be fierce! Indeed while all eyes may appear to be on London … we Clarks are heading directly North and to the ancient games known as the Fringe. To show our creative wares in a City filled with thousands doing exactly the same…. some with bigger and better budgets, some without.

We have been training specifically on all the key features of the campaign… the marathon of flyer distribution, the 50 metre sprint after a gaggle of likely punters, the relay of information and communication through new media, old media, news feeder and of course the endurance of 22 shows, 13 street performances and a couple of cabaret highlights shows. We are ready, we’ve got our game faces right for scaring off opposition and our winning smiles for our potential public. We may not come back the same… but Edinburgh we are coming!

VENUE 13, Edinburgh

So if the Olympics is not your thing… if London and indeed the South are sports suffocation beyond then come and visit us in the North, at Venue 13, at the culturally clanging cauldron that is the Edinburgh Fringe . We would welcome you with open arms. And if you have been before we would love to hear your tips, hints, recommendations, well wishes and warnings.

At the end of the summer all we can really hope for, win, lose or draw, is that we did our best … that we tried our hardest, that we reveled in our finest and best intentions. Right… must get my tights off the line.

Gareth x


Gareth Clark

All stories by: Gareth Clark