60 Second Interview with Gareth Clark

1024 683 Gareth Clark

As F.E.A.R takes to the road, come and spend a minute with Gareth; let him tell you his darkest fears and catch a glimpse of the man behind the performer…

1) What’s the first thing you can remember?

Being in a push chair on the London underground. 

2) What’s your favourite food?

Dahl or version of it. I can eat dahl and sweet potatoes everyday…with spinach.

3) What was your first memory of being afraid?

My grandfather was a farmer. He milked cows and I remember vividly standing on a bench in the milking parlour and being terrified of the cattle. I whimpered and he asked ‘What’s a matter boy?’ and I said ‘That cow looked at me!’

4) What would you most like to be doing right now?

I am happiest working…making theatre or performance or running workshops. There is something addictive to the creative process – in any form. 

5) What gives you courage?

A sense of belief. Knowing that something is right or wrong. 

6) Where are you?

At home sat in my front room.

7) What can you see?

There’s a wood burner waiting to be lit, a candle burning and a collection of books on the bookshelf. I have a TV and it is something of a guilty pleasure after 9pm.

8) Where does your FEAR come from?

I think this is something I aim to address in the show. I think it stems from early childhood experiences and conditioning.

9) Where does FEAR go?

Into everything we do… everything.

10) Who are you, right now?

The quiet one in the corner


Gareth Clark

All stories by: Gareth Clark